About Chiropractic

What is it?adjusting a patient

Chiropractic is a drug-free alternative health care that focuses on the removal of any problems in the spine and body structures that allows for optimum health within the body. A chiropractor's goal is to find what is causing a health problem and in doing so, correcting that cause without drugs or surgery.

Secondly, my goal is to help my patients maintain their health once they attain initial relief from their primary complaint. This frequently involves instructing them in very specific stretches and strengthening exercises. Patients who follow this course, always find they need fewer follow-up visits and recover much faster.


The nervous system, brain, and body all communicate with one another and depend on the proper alignment and free movement of the spine to allow for optimum health. When one or more vertebrae are out of proper alignment and not moving correctly, several things happen; pressure is placed on nervous tissue, muscles go into spasm, and inflammation collects, all leading to some form of pain or disease function. Patients frequently come to our office as a last resort, after seeing several other doctors and health care providers. It is always a joy to find that a relatively simple spinal misalignment was causing all of their health issues. When this is the case, a few gentle adjustments is usually all the patient needs to get back to a state of proper health and function.

Is it Safe?

Chiropractic is extremely safe and is, actually, one of the safest forms of health care available. The chiropractic education program is comparable to the study of a medical doctor's program with more education in nutrition, exercise and alternative health than any other program. More than 300 million people visit chiropractors, and medical doctors are referring their patients and families to chiropractors more than ever.